
Wednesday, October 5, 2011

esaimen baca novel...

do u like reading novel?
I totally dont like it..
especially love story..
I think its much better if I read a book that can provide knowledge than compared to love stories..
my time.. I want use it totally
if I have a long time to read novels, it is better if the time to read that I use to read the book of knowledge..

tapi..ada juga novel yang saya suka baca..
novel sejarah islam karya Abdul Latip Talib..

first time I read this book, my 'sifu'@ Ustaz Shahmi yang bagitau..

kemudian... saya cari lagi semua karya-karya beliau...

dan yang paling best...

pada saya, kalau nak memahami Islam.. paling penting tahu sejarahnya terlebih dahulu..
am I right?

semua buku-buku ni wajib baca! rugi tau kalau tak baca..

and now.. I was given the assignment to find, read and study the novel..
I had to study the writing style.. struktur.. and so on..benda2 kecik pong kena cari.. pinar butir mato la pahnie...

dalam kepala...masih belum ada novel yg patut saya cari..
mungkin novel yang ilmiah sedikit kot..
contohnya karya Keris Mas, Shahnon Ahmad..

cerita sedih...wajib baca tau..
merapu2 jer... ok ar..nak tentang fonetik fonologi yg banyak simbol2 kecacingan tuh..

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